Wigwam Crypto Wallet redesign: welcome to our green future!

2 min readDec 13, 2023


Hello, Wigwam community and crypto fans! We’re excited to share big news: our logo, website and browser extension have a brand-new look.

Why do we choose green?

We’ve changed from red to green! Why? Because green stands for growth, energy, and success — things we’re all about at Wigwam. This new green color shows our commitment to fresh ideas that we are implementing in our crypto wallet to make it one of the best solutions on the market.

Updated Website

Our website’s redesign is more than just looks. It’s now easier to use, with all the info about our wallet and useful links right there for you. We want to make sure everyone, new or not, can find what they need easily.

New-look browser extension

Our browser extension has been updated too, matching our new green theme. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about making your crypto experience better and more intuitive.

Updated onboarding

We understand the importance of first impressions. That’s why we’ve thoroughly revamped the onboarding process in our wallet. Our aim is to make your entry into the world of Wigwam as straightforward and modern as possible, enhancing both convenience and efficiency for our users.

We want to hear from you

Your thoughts matter to us. Check out the new website and browser extension, see how it feels, and tell us what you think. Your feedback helps us improve.

What’s coming up

This redesign is just the start. We’re always working on new features and partnerships to make your crypto experience better. Keep an eye out for more updates from us!

Thanks for being part of our journey into a green future!

